Honoring Mothers’ Mental Health: Personal Experiences and Tips for Better Care

Honoring Mothers' Mental Health: Personal Experiences and Tips for Better Care

​​Motherhood is often described as one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be one of the most challenging. While the joys of raising a child are countless, the pressures and responsibilities can take a toll on a mother’s mental health. As I observe my own mother work day-in and day-out for my sister and my happiness, I can see what a difficult job it is. As we approach Mother’s Day, it is important to remember the significance of mothers’ mental health and how it can impact the wellbeing of the entire family. 

My mom is one of the strongest people I know. As she works a job, she comes home and works a second shift being a mother to all of us. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, emotional support- this list of things she does for us doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. My mom has always been my safety and comfort, and even though we don’t agree on everything, I care for her more than anything. I also recognize that working this much leads to burnout, and taking care of her health is so important to me.

Understanding Mother's Mental Health

Motherhood can be overwhelming, and it is important to understand the common mental health issues faced by mothers. Postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress are some of the most prevalent mental health issues experienced by new mothers. Sleep deprivation, hormonal changes, and the constant demands of parenting can exacerbate these conditions.

Motherhood can be both rewarding and challenging. While mothers experience immense joy in nurturing and caring for their children, the responsibilities of parenting can also take a toll on their mental health. Juggling work, household chores, and children can leave little time for self-care, which can lead to feelings of burnout and exhaustion. Sometimes, it gets so easy in the heat of a fight or in the midst of my own stress to forget that my mother goes through it, too.

Signs of Poor Mental Health in Mothers

It is important to recognize the signs of poor mental health in mothers. Behavioral changes such as loss of interest in activities, withdrawal from family and friends, mood swings, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns can indicate that a mother is struggling. It is important to approach a mother with empathy and offer support and encouragement to seek help.

Approaching a mother who may be struggling with mental health issues can be a delicate matter. It is important to approach the conversation with empathy and without judgment. Offer support and encouragement to seek professional help and be there to listen without offering unsolicited advice.

Taking care of Mother's Mental Health

Self-care is crucial for maintaining good mental health. Mothers should prioritize activities that bring them joy, such as hobbies or exercise. It is also important for family members to support mothers by helping with household chores or childcare so that they can take time for themselves. Even though I have a busy schedule, I try to take time out of my day to help my mother as best as I can, though I admit, I haven’t been doing nearly as much as I could. 

Taking care of mothers’ mental health doesn’t have to look like everyone else- it can simply be being there for your mom and allowing them to vent to you when they need it. Letting emotions out can be a great way for them to clear their mind.

Celebrating Mother's Day with Mental Health in Mind

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate and honor the women who have nurtured and cared for us. However, it is important to prioritize their mental health in the celebrations. Instead of material gifts, consider activities that prioritize self-care, such as a spa day or a weekend getaway. Additionally, involve the entire family in planning and organizing the celebration to show support and appreciation for the hard work that mothers do. 

Here are a few more ideas to consider!

  • A Meditation App Subscription: Meditation is an excellent way to reduce stress and improve mental health. A subscription to a meditation app like Headspace or Calm can provide mothers with the tools they need to incorporate meditation into their daily routine.
  • A Self-Care Gift Basket: Put together a basket filled with items that promote relaxation and self-care. Include items like a scented candle, a soft blanket, a journal, and some herbal tea.
  • A Book on Mental Health: Reading can be an excellent way to learn about mental health and self-care. Consider giving a book like “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown or “The Self-Care Project” by Jayne Hardy.
  • A Wellness Subscription Box: There are many subscription boxes available that focus on wellness and self-care. These boxes often include items like aromatherapy oils, healthy snacks, and mindfulness exercises.
  • A Massage or Spa Day: Pampering can be an excellent way to reduce stress and improve mental health. Consider treating the mother in your life to a massage or spa day to help them unwind and relax.

Thank you, mom, for everything that you do, and to all of the mothers reading this.

If you’re looking into therapy options, check out We Rise Therapy to learn more.