“Reclaim yourself” a workshop on unlearning people pleasing

Date: 6/13/2023
Time: 7-8:30pm EST
Location: virtual link provided

“Reclaim yourself” a workshop on unlearning people pleasing

Hema Solanki, M.Ed, LPC | Date: 6/13/2023 Time: 7-8:30pm EST | Location: virtual link provided

Are you constantly seeking approval from others? Do you find yourself saying “yes” to things you don’t actually want to do, just to avoid disappointing someone else? If so, you may be caught in the cycle of people pleasing.

Join us for a workshop on unlearning people pleasing, with an emphasis on cultural influences and navigating south/east Asian cultures. In this interactive session, we will explore the root causes of people pleasing and provide practical tools and strategies for breaking free from this harmful habit.

During the workshop, you will learn: 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to prioritize your own needs and desires, and live life on your own terms. Register now to secure your spot!

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